What are You the King of?

King of the Remote

We all want to be first. We want to be king of something. And for some people, unfortunately, that’s ALL that MATTERS.

What’s incredible with that is it is never enough no matter the quantity or even the visibility of power that one may become.

We see it if we reference the life of Solomon in the Bible. It becomes very clear what ended up being THE IMPORTANT summary of his life (See Ecclesiastes 12:13).

Question: What are you pouring your life into right now? What is your PASSION — right now? Are you making a difference? Are you leaving a legacy?

How are your kids, wife, other relationships doing?

And where does God fit in?

These questions matter. And please remember that God has a wonderful plan and purpose for your life. He loves you and made you to know Him.

Oh, another scripture? Jeremiah 29:11 … it’s one of my favorites!

King of the Remote