Dual Storms Threaten United States

August 29, 2008.

Two storms are threatening the US. An emergency condition has been declared in Louisanna and everyone is thinking about the Katrina. Katrina devastated New Orleans, in fact it will NEVER be the same.

Hurricane Gustav. Tropical storm Hannah. And today I heard that if they take certain paths gas prices could soar to $5.00 per gallon in just days!

Threatening weather, threats in our safety, threats to our economy, fears in our relationships. Where do we find hope in all this? I have learned that the truths of the Bible and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can lead to an inner strength that others may not understand.

In a storm, you don’t just survive until tomorrow or wait until another day passes. The critical times may be minute-by-minute or one may need strength NOW! Here’s a passage of scripture that ALWAYS encourages me … perhaps another might draw strength from it right NOW as well.

Mark 4:38-41 — 38 But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” 39 And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”  41 And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey him?” — ESV

Please pray for those in harms way while these storms rage on. And pray for people’s hearts once again to be stirred to compassion if needed in the aftermath of possible devastation.