Make the Connections

Coffee, Facebook, Twitter, Picture Sharing, Wall Posting … they are all about one main thing — CONNECTION. Just this past week I have heard from classmates, relatives, young people I have mentored, and even my mom.

As a Christ Follower, whenever I read about Jesus who WAS the great teacher (and the one I choose to direct my life) actually went out of His way — often to make these “connections”.

I would have loved to read his Tweets or Status Updates:

  • “Have a meal with me … “
  • “Feed my lambs … “
  • “Just told the guys to throw the net on the other side — we’re gonna have a lot of fish tonight!”
  • “On my way to raise a dear friend from the dead …”
  • “I love you, even though you haven’t realized it yet.”
  • “Father, forgive them …”

You may want to read some of these bible-time updates yourself. You could start with the Gospel of John, it’s a great read.

Make a connection with RevTim on TWITTER and/or FACEBOOK!

Facebook, MySpace, Blogs … Unifyer

I love Facebook. I have been able to connect with dozens and dozens of my current and past friends and family. It seems that not a day goes by when the name of someone I once spent a lot of time with pops up.

For me, that is AWESOME, I really love it.

What if the local church — MY church, CENTRAL ASSEMBLY — was able to connect the like-minded people groups together. Communication would increase. I think there could be a quicker adoption by ministries to connect. Hope Groups could even go to the next steps.

I have been exploring this. There are a lot of social networks out there. And recently I have discovered Unifyer. I am doing research on it right now. Ning, Unifyer, Facebook, and blogs are all ways to make connection.

Maybe you could check the link below, then come back with a few comments as you see it. I would love your input!

Unifyer Review at ChurchCrunch.

New School vs. Old School — Same Goal

Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Twitter, and like about 100 others. All social networks, and people by the MILLIONS are embracing them.

Just as interesting is how fickle people can be. Earlier this year, Twitter was having technical difficulties. As a result, several other “micro-blogs” popped up all over the internet. In a way, that’s how we are today. Democrats vs. Republicans vs. Vice President choices. It’s a maddening race for popularity.

Facebook Graphic
Facebook Graphic

Of course, for most of us it comes down to VALUES — what do people and social networks stand for — and where do I fit into their scheme? As a Follower of Christ, I am influenced by a standard, God’s Word, the Bible. It has and continues to shape me. That message does not change or move.

I love it’s anchor. In a world where there are no moral absolutes, where rules change, and where networks of people move around so much, I need that. I have also attempted to live by those standards.

Oh, no, I am not perfect, that’s for sure. However, when I get off course I can look forward and strive toward a finish line that DID NOT move.

It can be confusing to follow the commands on the Bible. In fact there were like 1,630 of them listed. When Jesus was asked which was the most important He brought it down to a level we can all not only understand, but we can RELATE to it.

Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”


What are You Rebuilding?

I think we all have our “to do” lists. Repairing stuff is either on the top of our agenda or pushed down another notch for another day. It was the same for the people of Nehemiah’s day.

And somehow we never know how it got this bad. BUT THERE COMES A DAY when enough is enough. For Nehemiah, it was the wall that surrounded the city of Jeresalem. He shook up his friends, family, and even the government. The words are recorded like this:

Nehemiah 2:17-18 (The Message — MSG) Then I gave them my report: “Face it: we’re in a bad way here. Jerusalem is a wreck; its gates are burned up. Come—let’s build the wall of Jerusalem and not live with this disgrace any longer.” I told them how God was supporting me and how the king was backing me up.

They said, “We’re with you. Let’s get started.” They rolled up their sleeves, ready for the good work.

Challenge: Open up YOUR eyes and LOOK around. That’s the first step for all of us, I’m sure of it.

Ordinary Wednesday?

Wednesday is sometimes called “hump day”. It’s an ordinary hum-drum day in the middle of the week that seems long. If we can get through it then the rest of the week is easy, or so goes the thinking.

If I make this an “ordinary” day, nothing will change in my world. This may seem pretty nice to some people, after all, consistency is not always bad.

But I am here to make a difference. God has a calling and plan for my life. That plan is to change the world for His glory. When I stop and think about THAT, then I don’t want today to be ordinary.

My prayer today?

God, show my YOUR way and will for me to somehow have people look in YOUR direction. My eyes and mind are open to what YOU want. I give you PERMISSION to use me as an instrument for YOUR purposes.